Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection: October 24 – November 21

Ken Caryl Church has been participating in the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child shoebox ministry for years. The shoeboxes are shipped out to children around the world, and in addition to the shoeboxes, the children receive the Good News of Jesus through gospel materials entitled The Greatest Journey!

To participate:

  1. Take as many shoeboxes as you plan to fill. Boxes and instructions are available for pickup at KCC before/after both services.
  2. Once your boxes are filled and ready, attach to the outside of the box the age/gender appropriate for your box.
  3. Place a check made out for $9 on the top of your box, inside, that will cover shipping of the box. Make your check out to: Operation Christmas Child
  4. Take your boxes then directly to Calvary South Church at 9052 West Ken Caryl Avenue, Littleton, 80128, just down the street to the west of our church, by Sunday, November 21, 2021.
  5. For kids in TeamKID, once your shoeboxes have been dropped off to Calvary South Church, let Ms. Sandy know how many you filled.

Thank you for sharing the good news of Jesus through this incredible shoebox ministry. This is a wonderful way for your family to participate in ministry together.