Joseph’s Response To The Angel | Matthew 1:18-25
December 17, 2023 

What Is The ______________ Given To Joseph? 

Do not be ____________ to take Mary as your ____________.

The ___________ ____________ has brought this about in Mary. 

The child will be named Jesus and He will ___________ His people from  their ___________. 

What Is Joseph’s _______________ To The Message? 

He changes his ____________ and his course of __________ and he obeys.

His obedience is characterized by __________ and ______________.

His obedience is _______________. 

What Does This Mean For ________? 

Am I ______________ to let the Word of God and the work of the Holy  Spirit ____________ my thinking and my course of action? 

Is my walk with Jesus characterized by __________ and ______________?

Am I willing to obey Jesus ________________?


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