What Do You Want Me To Do For You? | Luke 18:35-43
March 26, 2023 

What Is The _________________ At Hand? 

There is a man in a __________ _______________ life scenario.

The man ________ ________ to Jesus for ______________.

The man asks Jesus to do something very _______________ for him.

What Does Jesus _________? 

Jesus ___________ and has the man ________________ to Him.

Jesus _______ the man to _________ Him what he ____________.

Jesus ___________ the man in response to his ____________. 

What Do ______ Need To Do? 

What is the ______________ ___________ in my life right now and am I  willing to ___________ it to Jesus? 

Am I ______________ Jesus and seeking to ______________ God in my life  right now? 

Who and what do I have _________ _______ in my life?


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