Sermon on the Mount: A Blessed Life, Part 1 | Matthew 5:1-5
April 16, 2023 

A blessed person has ________ and _______________ and _____________ that run deep because of the ___________ Jesus is doing in their life. 

What Does It Mean To Be _________ ___ _________? 

To be poor in spirit is to ______________ and _____________ recognize  your desperate need of ____________ from God. 

What Does It Mean To _______________? 

To mourn is to experience _____________ and ____________ over sin that  leads to _________________. 

What Does It Mean To Be ______________? 

To be gentle is to be characterized by _____________ and _____________ and to be keenly ____________ of the needs of others. 

What Does This Mean For _________? 

Do I consistently recognize my ____________ ________ of help from God?

Do I experience ____________ and ___________ over sin? Can I be characterized as _____________?


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