Do I Understand Anger? | Matthew 5:21-22
May 28, 2023 

What Is Jesus __________________? 

He is addressing ___________________ and _____________________ of  the Law. 

He is addressing how we _____________ to one _______________.

He is addressing a potential _______________ of our _______________. 

How Do I ______________ If I’m Angry? 

What am I willing to say _______-__________ about someone else?

What do I find myself saying in my ______________ about someone else? 

Am I seeking to stir up ____________ or am I seeking to ____________ a  _______________? 

What Do ______ Need To Do? 

Who is the _______________ of my anger? 

Is anger giving the devil an opportunity ____________ _____ __________? 

Am I _____________ to work through this heart issue with the  ___________ ____________?


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