Simple and Truthful | Matthew 5:33-37
July 2, 2023 

What _______________ Is Jesus Addressing? 

People are not _______________ their vows. 

People are _____________ their commitments through __________ oaths. 

People are struggling to be ___________ with their ____________ and  _______________. 

What _______________ Is Jesus Giving? 

Honesty with our ____________ and _____________ is _______________. 

We need to be people who __________ what we ___________ and  ___________ what we __________. 

Our words and intentions should be predicated upon _________________.

What Do I Need To Reflect On In _______ ________ _________?

Is there a commitment I’ve made to the __________ that I’m not fulfilling? 

Is there a commitment I’ve made to ________________ _________ that  I’m not fulfilling? 

Am I _____________ and ________________? 

Am I _______________?


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